Finexpertiza is an audit company that has been successfully operating since 2013 on the Georgian market. The company is staffed by lawyers, accountants and auditors who focus on results and high standards of service. Lawyers and auditors working in the company have extensive experience. Thanks to this, we have a high degree of trust and have a high rating in society. The success of the company is evidenced by a steady increase in the number of customers, most of the number of customers repeatedly contacting us for audit, consulting, accounting and legal services. Initially, the company worked under the name “Audit and Legal Service” abbreviated ALS, and since 2019 it has become a member of the international audit company Fin-Examination. FinExpertiza is a network of professional audit, appraisal and consulting companies that are independent legal entities and are part of the network with the aim of joining forces to provide highly professional services to clients in any country in the world.

Our network brings together 16 companies from 14 countries

The main services of the company:

  • Conducting audits, consulting. provide relevant conclusions based on applicable tax laws, norms and standards, instructions, professional knowledge and experience
  • Legal services, consultations, support in court. Written or verbal consultation in the legal field, draw up contracts in the interests of the customer, participate in negotiations with third parties, represent the interests of the customer in court, draw up legal documents.
  • Accounting services. Conducting accounting, cooperation with the tax, accounting of the company in accordance with international accounting standards and the norms defined by the charter of the company.

ООО “ФинЭкспертиза Интернэшнл”

ООО “ФинЭкспертиза-Красноярск”
ООО “ФинЭкспертиза Сеть”
ООО “ФинЭкспертиза Консалтинг”
ООО “ФинЭкспертиза-Оценка”
ООО “ФинЭкспертиза-Капитал”
ООО “Экспертъ”
ООО “Раздолье-Консалт”
ООО “Раздолье-Софт”
ООО “Раздолье Проекты”
ИП Грибков Евгений Александрович
ООО “Северсталь – Центр Единого Сервиса”
ООО “Тест СПБ”
ООО “Диджитал Спирит”